Research & Training

Learn Apiary

Crest Nature Park is already a certified Apiary Training Centre in Edo State. So, if you are aspiring to be a bee farmer, this is the best place for you to learn.

Our Park is ideal for apiary because of its flora and specific cropping with palm, moringa, coconuts, pawpaw, and cashew which produce bees’ favorite flowers for pollen and nectar, which with water constitute a bee’s entire feed.

While the Park could conveniently accommodate more than three thousand (3,000) beehives, we have one hundred and fifty (150) beehives already installed and producing honey. 

The usefulness and value of bee and honey are unquantifiable and some of their benefits include:

  • Use in preparation of thousands of orthodox and modern medicines worldwide.
  • Honey is a well-known food sweetner.
  • Bees are a major agent for promoting efficient pollination. Hence, they support high fruit yield in farms and flora, generally. 

Learn Medicinal Herbs Farming

Take advantage of learning from our experts in the field of plants and medicine to make your progress in medicinal herbs farming easier and profitable. 

With hundreds of medicinal and economic plants found at our Park, be assured that you would only get practical knowledge and relevant skillset from us. 

We should also let you know that our Founder, Dr. Ehigiamusoe is one of the Nigerian experts for plant identification and utilisation in Nigeria. He is a renowned research scientist, traditionalist, farmer, industrialist and a one-time pro-chancellor of the University of Calabar, Nigeria. His book, ‘A Herbarium of Nigerian Medicinal Plants’, can be described as the Bible of herbal and medicinal plants for trado-medical practitioners and even researchers who are serious about pharmacology advancements.

Learn Processing of Oil Palm Produce

The World’s market demand for oil palm products cannot be satiated because of their many uses. From food grade oil to industrial grade applications in soap, cosmetics, fuel, shortenings etc. Palm oil is indeed important to humans.

A larger portion of the Park’s fertile land is devoted to oil palm cultivation to produce palm oil, palm kernel, and organic manure to mention but a few. Three hundred and fifty (350) acres of the Park has been planted with NIFOR (Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research) improved Tenera seedlings with a palm oil mill and a kernel crusher. 

So, learning with us would give you a rich opportunity to see an end-to-end production process with the deep value chain of the oil palm industry.